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Making science accessible to everyone is a huge priority—otherwise, what's the point in doing research? I enjoy sharing my work through as many creative outlets as I can, and my goal is to reach a broad, diverse audience of people from all ages and backgrounds. Below are a handful of the outreach initiatives I have underway, or am plugged into:

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​I wrote an article with Current Conservation on owl banding and the value of banding stations! Amazing artwork by Aindri Chakraborty.

Current Conservation

current conservation illustration 3 - Ai

Join me for a trip back to the Azores to read about seabirds in the Atlantic! I wrote a guest blog with "Dispatches From the Field" about my work with storm-petrels and shearwaters.


Guest Blogs

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I got to write an article for the Salish Sea Currents about the ongoing avian population recovery in the Elwha River, and the amazing people studying it!

Science Journalism

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With colibri delphinae - Ana Melisa Fern

​I wrote an article with Exploration Revealed, the online magazine for the Scientific Exploration Society, on my graduate research studying how hummingbirds move!

Exploration Revealed

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First infographic - insatiable

I've been collaborating with Loes Roes, an incredibly talented science illustrator, to create a hummingbird infographic series! Check out her awesome B&B in Panama - where you can see tons of hummers!




I got to partner with Youthforce and the Behavioral Ecophysics Lab to talk about career paths and getting plugged into ornithology!


Click on the pictures for the links!


I've been working with museums since I was a first-year undergrad: first at the Oakes Museum and now at the Burke Museum. Museums are incredible educational powerhouses that let us foster connections between people and wildlife—sometimes local animals, sometimes ones that we'd never get to see otherwise! I've given many museum talks and been involved in museum social media, events, and behind-the-scenes collection tours—I've even designed some museum displays. Click on the photos below for more information.


Girls in Science & If/Then

Ornithology career talk / iNaturalist tutorial for the Burke's Girls in Science and AAAS's If/Then programs! Extra materials here.


A TED-Ed collaboration for which I created supplementary learning info!

Skype a Scientist

One of my talks with Skype a Scientist for an elementary school!

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